Hi! All 150 of you, personally and individually, although I'm not sure I have time to answer 150 posts!
Basically, I have purposefully stayed away from blogging because I like my email. I am a Facebook member, but only because I was coerced and I rarely check it. So don't get your hopes up. Nevertheless, since this is on work time, there is always a chance.
I am a children's librarian at Saratoga Springs Public Library because I am in denial about growing up and leap at any excuse to play. In my theoretical spare time I snowshoe race and trail run and am a freelance sports writer. My husband aand I always seem to be directing a race or recovering from directing a race. I probably need to move somewhere and start over with a clean slate devoid of commitments. Oh well.
I am taking part in this program because computers and I have an uneasy relationship at best. Plus, I need something else to do.
What have I learned? Well, I have gotten this far ALL By MYSELF. Meaning I didn't have to run to the front of the room and grab someone off the desk to help me. That in itself is a major accomplishment.
I felt right at home when I saw the header "Thing 1" Thank you Dr. Seuss!