Monday, March 28, 2011

Thing 1: Blogging

Hi!  All 150 of you, personally and individually, although I'm not sure I have time to answer 150 posts!
Basically, I have purposefully stayed away from blogging because I like my email.  I am a Facebook member, but only because I was coerced and I rarely check it.  So don't get your hopes up.  Nevertheless, since this is on work time, there is always a chance.

I am a children's librarian at Saratoga Springs Public Library because I am in denial about growing up and leap at any excuse to play.  In my theoretical spare time I snowshoe race and trail run and am a freelance sports writer.  My husband aand I always seem to be directing a race or recovering from directing a race.  I probably need to move somewhere and start over with a clean slate devoid of commitments.  Oh well.

I am taking part in this program because computers and I have an uneasy relationship at best.  Plus, I need something else to do.

What have I learned?  Well, I have gotten this far ALL By MYSELF.  Meaning I didn't have to run to the front of the room and grab someone off the desk to help me.  That in itself is a major accomplishment.

I felt right at home when I saw the header "Thing 1" Thank you Dr. Seuss!



  1. Oh, I'd forgotten the Dr. Seuss connection. Perfect! And since we're supposed to be having fun and playing with these tools, that's a great connection. :-)

  2. I think you will enjoy blogging. It is just another writing tool for you.

  3. Congratulations on your blog. I also have "an uneasy relationship with computers" even though I have to deal with technology constantly in my work and volunteer life. I always learn just enough to scrape by, and I'm hoping this program will take me beyond that.

    Now off to create my own blog. The great thing about being late is I can look at everyone else's first to get ideas!
