Thursday, July 21, 2011


As a disgruntled member of Facebook, I have been looking for a new social networking site. Originally, I joined Facebook since our running club was looking for a quick message center, but soon got overwhelmed by the random friends knocking on my screen. Plus, there are the security issues. When my screen became compromised and I was asked to select a new password, I decided it was time to jump ship. However, I learned that you never truly avoid the sharks, since I am still on the roll call and occasionally get notifications. Live and learn, I guess.

Happily ever after, our club has since joined wordpress where there is more control and a limited, content managed audience.

As a result of Thing 6, I investigated LinkedIN only to be surprised that I was already a member! I had forgotten that I had joined in 2009. But this time around I actually posted a picture and additional information. I am trying to decide now how much more info I wish to post. I have naturally joined the CPD group and am investigating others. I like to take Things gradually...As for security, my husband is a financial adviser and that is the only networking site his company allows him to join in a business capacity. So I feel as if I have turned the key and locked the door.

So I guess I have checked out of the BBQ and entered the office. So much for summer vacation!

As for the other suggestions, I was intrigued by Librarians as Teachers since we all are teachers in one capacity or another, but I am not sure I will join. At this point it seems to be way beyond the preschool/elementary developmental stage that I deal with. And, truthfully, I felt that I would rather stick with ALA than CILIP since ALA is on my side of the pond and I have enough here to deal with.

Now all I have to do is this time around remember I am a LinkedIn member and get with the program!

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