You can aleady tell what side of the pond I am from by the way I spell organizations!
As soon as I returned Stateside from my stint as a public librarian in the Marshall Islands, I joined ALA, hoping to enhance my job search potential. Bear in mind that this was in 1993 when internet was in its infancy and folks still had card catalog (note spelling) withdrawal. Luckily, I found a job in my new hometown and so never needed the credentials. But I retained my membership. I tend to get overwhelmed by Largeness, so I have mostly stuck with PLA, a branch of ALA, which is more specific to my needs. I have been fortunate enough to have benefitted from several PLA conferences, enhancing my outlook on what is possible.
Locally, I have joined the Youth Services Group of the New York State Library Association and have enjoyed meeting some of the same folks at various events. Even more locally, I participate in workshops offered by Southern Adirondack Association and have even give brief presentations at some. I tend to favor those with a practical, hands-on flavor. Lately, however, I have become interested in ebook publishing and am trying to learn all I can, realizing, of course, that whatever knowledge I glean will soon be out of date. Emailing my techie colleagues has certainly helped!
Ok--Who can resist the extra credit carrot? I investigated SLA, which seems to be the British equivalent of our American School Library Association. Looking at the various book awards I was surprised at how few of the titles I recognized. And we speak the same language! When I got to the book about "maths," however, I got it. In America we would say "math."
Mostly, though, I related to Jo Alcock's blog. I am definitely and introvert who has taught college level courses and could never figure out exactly how I could do it when I am a total wallflower at social occasions. Now I know!
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